I am part way though making this playmat for a young child, from the latest edition of the American magazine ‘Quilters World’ (Spring Edition).
The oblongs and squares form part of the 8 inch blocks, but the hearts, triangles, stars and circles are all appliqued on.
The instructions tell you to use fusible web so that you iron it onto the shape, then iron the shape onto the square ready for sewing around the edges.
However, I used a technique so that there are no raw edges, by stitching some light fusible interfacing onto the right side of the fabric (with the fusible side of the interfacing on the inside). You need to add a quarter of an inch to the overall shape, then stitch completely around the outer edge of the shape. Trim the edge down to 1/8th inch, then cut an opening so that you can turn the shape inside out. The fusible side of the interfacing is ready to iron the shape onto the fabric, but the edges are are all turned in neatly.
I used a small zig zag stitch with wonderfil’s ‘InvisaFil’ thread, but used similar colours to the shapes to help disguise the stitching.
Carolynne P

In April, the committee posted a message asking how Standish Quilters felt about re-starting meetings in the Autumn, and here are a few responses:
- Yes I think September would be a good time to try and return and in the way of a chat before we think of a programme as you suggest.
- I would be happy to restart asap as I would be grateful for normality and the company!
I would be happy to restart meetings whenever it seems logical. The hall is quite a decent size to allow space for everyone and hopefully most people will have been vaccinated soon.
- Thank you for the message from the quilters group committee. I think if the Community Centre is open in September, the cup of tea and a chat meeting is a good idea. Hoping all the committee are well.