About 2 months ago I received a picture from a lady from my other quilting group asking for a 9 ” diagonally striped square so that she could construct a group quit for Linus. I had not sewn for 18 months after my husbands health problems. This started me sewing again. I did my square for Magaret sent it off and asked for the rest of the pattern.
Margaret had no pattern she was just working it out as she went along. So I had an enjoyable time working out the pattern myself and this is a photograph of my effort. I intend to make another one but with adjustments to the sizes.
Keep smiling every one.
Doreen P.
Hope all’s well. I haven’t made anything for a while but have found that I can “borrow” quilting magazines via an app called Libby by using my library card details. Have put something on fb but know that not everyone has access.
Sue G x

Hello Everyone,
I had a go at making “The Scrap Box” for the sales table from the suggested make in March.
It turned out ok, I enjoyed making it and it was fairly quick to do.
Elizabeth H.
I have no pictures but have as usual been sewing for Linus. I’ll contact Barbara soon and pass them on.
Last week when the weather was lovely John and I had a drive up to Blackburn, as I had managed to break my sewing machine !!!
It is the Pfaff machine that stays at home because it is so heavy. I was giving it a clean and managed to drop the bobbin holder, it landed in the machine but the wrong way around, then it got stuck .
It’s from Hobkirks and I know they service all the local schools and factories, so I gave them a ring, not only was the service department open, but I could drop it off that afternoon. So off we went to get it fixed and have a service.
So the motto of this story is Take Care.
Thanks for doing a wonderful job Carolynne
See you all sometime soon
Linda G x

Some more quilts for Linus completed during lockdown. The heart quilt pattern is from the Linus website. Great for using up scraps as the size of squares can be smaller/larger. If I make this again I think I’d consider adding another row to the top of the heart to round it off.
The diamond quilt is from You Tube videos of strippy blocks, of which there are many. Again, ideal for using up scrap pieces. I found it quite addictive and enjoyed playing with colour. The finished block ends on the bias but with minimal handling didn’t cause too much of a problem.
Janet C
Hi Everyone,
I’ve started a 72″ x 56″ quilt for my grandson and am thinking of doing ‘quilt as you go”. I did this some years ago and wondered which is the best method to use?
Any advice from members would be much appreciated.
Maureen M

Hello All
I won a Jelly Roll some time ago, at a Region 13 event, and thought it was about time I used it for something.
I watched a couple of You Tube demonstrations on a pattern called Rail Fence, and thought it would be a perfect block to make, using a jelly roll.
On looking at all the strips, I thought the floral fabric would look great in the middle and really stand out. But now that I have made it, I felt that I should have really put them on the end of each block. As I can see for example the check pattern going down but I don’t think they ‘pop out’ as much as the floral pieces would have done. As it is my first one, I will know where I am heading with it next time.
At first I tried all the blocks with the same colour on each row, and then mixed them up, I sent a WhatsApp to Chris B to ask which layout she thought looked best, but mentioned that they were ‘Rail Road!’ I think she knew what I meant though : -)
This is my completed quilt top for Linus, which I am going to back with some polar fleece, after asking Pat M which type she would recommend (Pat mentioned that polar fleece didn’t lose bits all over the place when you cut it).
Carolynne P
From Standish Quilters Committee
You will be pleased to know, that after June, the committee will be investigating when it will be feasible to re-commence our fortnightly meetings.
Although it will depend on how well things go and will also be dependent on when the Community Centre will re-open. We would hope to be able to make plans, for arranging our first meeting somewhere around September time. Perhaps we can have the first few meetings where we just have a cup of tea and a chat together.
We are therefore asking all the members of Standish Quilters, if you can let us know what your feelings and thoughts are, about when we should start up again.
Some of you may feel September is too soon, perhaps you can email us to let us know.
Best Wishes
Standish Quilters Committee