Multi coloured Jelly Rolls

Members Makes In recent Months……

Here are some of the quilts and projects members have made in the last few months………… together with a carousel at the bottom displaying the pieces made for our recent Chair’s challenge.

This was a block sampler quilt

The 2 quilts above are showing how cutting borders and patterned fabric to create different shapes, can give a kaleidoscope affect.

This was a block sampler quilt

The above three quilts were made for Linus

During  July and August, we had a Chairs’ Challenge, where we gave out a fat quarter of blue fabric with tiny white stars, and asked members to make a project that included as much of this fabric as possible, and quilt it.

We had a main prize of a book by Dawn Cameron-Dick, called ‘Pocket Tutor.’ And when we telephoned Dawn to order a copy, she was so delighted we were encouraging others to quilt and also read her book, that she also popped a few extra items in the parcel, for us to give as a runner up prize.

Here are some of the entries………

Here are the prize winners…..

First Prize Winner
Runner Up Winner
