Multi coloured Jelly Rolls

Members Makes in March

In this month’s “Today’s Quilter” issue 72 there was an article by Katie Essam to make a cushion/ wall hanging using free hand machine embroidery and appliqué to create textile art. I’d never done anything like this before so I thought I’d have a go!

I used scraps of fabric to make the picture and found different stitches and ways of using my very ordinary sewing machine and hand embroidery.

I’m pleased with the results. I might put it in a frame and hang it next to where I sew.

Thank you for sending the link to watch the Antique Quilt Bed Turning. I thought it was an excellent watch. Lovely to see the variety of antique quilts, and to hear the little story behind each one, how some had been rescued, restored and the techniques and fabrics used. The majority were hand quilted which must be amazing to see!

Displaying each one on an old bed was a nice touch too!

Elizabeth H

I had a go at the scissor keeper from January.  It didn’t turn out too bad!!

Karen S

Loved February’s blog.  I have watched the video and found it fascinating.  We were travelling back from Williamsburg, Virginia in 1989 on the Blue Ridge Mountain Road with my sister and partner, stopped for a coffee at a cafe/lodge and as we walked in straight in front was a glass cabinet displaying quilts.  We were amazed to see one dated 1880??? Signed by a ? Mendham.  How about that!!!! 

Maureen M

This hexagon bag started small and just grew!

I have a template where you can cut different size heaxagons, so I cut strips and used a 1/4 inch seam allowance.  

After sewing the hexagons together, I used a running stitch in a contrasting colour, to hold the top/wadding/lining together.

When making the drawstrings, I recycled some buttons from an old pair of slippers to put at the ends.  This bag just evolved as I went along!

Hilda R

I have now completed the quilt I talked of last month, but due to lack of fabric it ended up 43″ x 43″ .  I am unable to post a photograph at the moment and hope to send one in for you all to see as soon as I can.

Doreen P

I made some fabric cards at the beginning of lockdown and really enjoyed doing them, so I decided to make some more.  As you can see, this one is for Easter.  It’s one of four that will be sent to friends.  This one involves applique, some free motion quilting and some fiddling, but I am happy with the end result.

For the past two years, I’ve joined in the Quilters Guild Modern group challenge. This year, the title of the challenge is ‘ It takes two ‘. This is a little practice piece made from scraps. I’ve experimented using two shapes, a square and a rhombus and of course, I just had to throw some striped fabric into the mix. The piecing was a bit tricky with lots of Y seams but it was good practice. I still have a few ideas to check out but I’ll show you my final piece when it’s complete. The entry date is only in July so there’s plenty of time. Keep safe and happy sewing until we’re able to meet up again. x

I really enjoyed the video in February’s blog,  from the American Quilt Group and it has lead me onto watching other similar video’s too!

Take Care.

Chris B

This hanging is called ‘Stained Glass Window.’  It’s an Anita Good Design.  I have also added some ‘lace’ butterflies which were made on my embroidery machine.

Following on from last month’s posting, this is the completed Anita Good Design quilt called ‘Fairy Tales.’  It’s all machine embroidery made, with the smallest blocks taking about 35 minutes to stitch out.  The larger ones took between 60 and 75 minutes each.

Here is the lable on the back of the quilt.

I also made an extra block that I decided would make a nice nursery picture.  They are all for my newest great grandson Barnaby born on 28th December 2020.  Can’t wait until I can go and meet him.


Pat M

I have been doing some sewing recently.  I have started being attracted to really bright colours instead of my favourite muted greys and blues.  Here is a quilt I have made using my new found colours, using a block from my notes from Wendy.

Sheila T

My plan is to make a coverlet style table cloth using hexagons, pentagons with 6o degree triangles added to create a diamond shape with a flat top, and lots of other shapes including the use of applique, from a design in a book I got for Christmas by Quiltmania.   

I did a lot of research before starting the project, looking at the different processes people use when English Paper Piecing.  

I tried a few samples as follows:

I firstly tried sewing the pieces to the paper, by catching only the fabric on the back without going through the paper, and also gluing the fabric using  a fabric glue stick, but only at the very edge – (this disappears on the first wash).  

I found gluing was the quickest method,  and this is the method I am using.  (As long as you only glue the very edge, the needle passes through the fabric close to the template easily).

I then tried three different attachment methods. 

Whip Stitch

I found Whip Stitch very strong – but you could see the stitching on the front. 

Ladder Stitch

Ladder stitch was invisible on the front, but when I pulled the pieces you could see gaps appearing, so I didn’t think this method would be strong enough for a table cloth.  

Flat back stitch

Flat Back Stitch. had the same strength as whip stitch, but was invisible on the front.  So this is the method I am using.

As there would initially be  570 x 1.75″ hexagons plus seam allowance and 756 x 1.75″ pentagons plus seam allowance, rather than sit cutting them all out, I used my Cricut machine.  After I had created the shapes in the software, the pieces where cut out in batches by the machine, in just a few hours.

After selecting lots of different fabrics with patterns and stripes on, I thought the design would lend itself really well to ‘fussy cutting.’ 

With knowing a man who can, I asked Mark to 3D print me two open templates that I could draw round.  And I began to place the templates where I wanted them, drew round them and hand cut all the pentagon ‘diamond’ shapes out first.

Although they are not all cut out (128 sets are in the pattern), with 50 already sewn and a further 36 sets to go at, I think it is going to take me a long, long time to complete this project. 

Carolynne P