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Liz C – An Updated Poem in January
Liz has a 28 year old grand-daughter who has severe visual impairments, called Laura.  Laura decided to write this poem, to help relieve the boredom of lockdown. 
Liz wanted to share this with our group, and has Laura’s permission to do so.

The Year 2020

The clock struck midnight and the fireworks began
The year 2020 well it didn’t go to plan
Little did we know what the world had in store
Soon we would be cheering from our very own front door.

We watched on TV as China went into a crisis
Hit by a virus that seemed worse than hepatitis
The public watched on thinking it wouldn’t come over here
Little did we know it really was quite near

Bush fires ripped through Australia’s trees
Killing innocent animals that were down on their knees
Begging for help the country needed rain
The fires lasted weeks and caused so much pain

March arrived and Covid was now here
The dreaded virus that wasn’t suppose to come anywhere near
The whole UK was put into a lockdown
No more going out or visiting downtown

Weeks passed by with people stuck inside
The country was on standstill there was no-where left to hide
People clapped the NHS on a Thursday at their door
How could the Government just make up this law?

Everybody knew that it was to keep them all healthy
But the virus was killing anyone, it didn’t matter if you were wealthy.
Furlough was announced and businesses were forced to shut
Most of the population was forced to take a temporary pay cut

July was finally here and things started to ease
Football was back on TV but they started on their knees
Beirut had an explosion that caused more lives to be lost
When will this year end, soon there will be frost

Holidays resumed and people started to get some sun
Finally schools were going to reopen but social distancing was going to be fun
Thursdays travel corridor  announcements really weren’t fair
People were coming back off holiday to two weeks of despair

We are now in October and things are getting worse
Being left in local lockdowns we had better watch our purse
The whole of the UK has been put into tiers
The whole country has given up living with fears

November has now been and gone
Another National Lockdown they said had to be done
Black Friday wasn’t the same shopping online
Soon this will be over and we will move on in time

December is here and advent began
A vaccine is ready, lets hope it goes to plan
Christmas is round the corner but a bubble of 3 they say
How can I choose which family members can come over to play?

Well in 6 days Christmas is finally here
The rules have now changed due to Government fear
A tier four has now been made up and designed
Any plans for the South will now be left behind

Boris cancelling Christmas for some of the UK
The Virus has mutated, well that’s what they say
It spreads a lot quicker so needs containing fast
Will this Virus ever be a thing of the past?

Laura B